ExactCouples -- spectral sequences by Massey's method of exact couples
chainModule -- writes a chain complex of R-modules as an R[d]/d^2-module
contravariantExtLES -- the long exact sequence in Ext induced by an inclusion in the first coordinate of Hom
cospan -- mods out by a collection of module elements
covariantExtLES -- the long exact sequence in Ext induced by an inclusion in the last coordinate of Hom
declareCouple -- initializes generating classes for an exact couple
distinguishedTriangleLaw (missing documentation)
eid (missing documentation)
evaluateInDegreeLaw (missing documentation)
exactCouple -- builds an exact couple from a R[d,f]/d^2-module
excerptCouple -- displays one of the long exact sequences in an exact couple
excerptLES -- displays a few entries of a long exact sequence
expectCoupleRing -- accepts certain rings of the form R[e_r,f_r], and installs Page, isEvenDegree, and isOddDegree
extensionInDegreeLaw (missing documentation)
externalDegreeIndices -- for a ring Q, returns the degree-coordinates present in Q but not in its coefficient ring
isEvenDegree -- for a couple ring Q, Q.isEvenDegree returns true on page-degrees of Q
isOddDegree -- for a couple ring Q, Q.isOddDegree returns true on auxiliary-degrees of Q
longExactSequence -- finds the long exact sequence associated to a map of R[d]/d^2-modules
mapToTriangleRing -- embeds a ring of the form R[d,f]/d^2 in its triangle ring R[d,e,f]/(d^2,e^3)
Page -- for a couple ring Q, Q.Page is the page number
pageModule -- gives a page of a spectral sequence as a module for R[d]/d^2 where d is the differential
plotPages -- displays a few pages of a spectral sequence
restackRing -- changes the order in which variables were adjoined
structureMap -- computes the action of a ring element on a particular degree
TorCouple -- the exact couple obtained by applying Tor(W,-) to a filtered module
TorLES -- the long exact sequence in Tor induced by an inclusion in the second coordinate