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ExactCouples :: plotPages

plotPages -- displays a few pages of a spectral sequence



The following lines construct the homological Serre spectral sequence for the Hopf fibration S^3 \to S^2.

i1 : Q = coupleRing(ZZ,1,e,f,Degrees=>{{-1,0},{2,-2}})

o1 = Q

o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : declareCouple(Q, {z => {4,0}}, {x => {1,0}, y => {1,2}, w => {5,2}})

o2 = cokernel {5, 2} | e_1^2 e_1f_1 0     0      0     0      0     0   |
              {1, 0} | 0     0      e_1^2 e_1f_1 0     0      0     0   |
              {1, 2} | 0     0      0     0      e_1^2 e_1f_1 0     0   |
              {4, 0} | 0     0      0     0      0     0      e_1^3 f_1 |

o2 : Q-module, quotient of Q
i3 : C = cospan(e_1*z-f_1*y)

o3 = cokernel {5, 2} | 0    e_1^2 e_1f_1 0     0      0     0      0     0   |
              {1, 0} | 0    0     0      e_1^2 e_1f_1 0     0      0     0   |
              {1, 2} | -f_1 0     0      0     0      e_1^2 e_1f_1 0     0   |
              {4, 0} | e_1  0     0      0     0      0     0      e_1^3 f_1 |

o3 : Q-module, quotient of Q
i4 : isHomogeneous C

o4 = true
i5 : expectExactCouple C

Use plotPages to show the first three pages

i6 : plotPages((0..3,0..2,1..3), prune @@ evaluateInDegree, C)
page 1, with differential of degree {-1, 0}:
|q=2||0  |0  |0  |0  |
|   ||  1|   |  1|   |
|q=1||ZZ |0  |ZZ |0  |
|   ||  1|   |  1|   |
|q=0||ZZ |0  |ZZ |0  |
|   ||p=0|p=1|p=2|p=3|

page 2, with differential of degree {-2, 1}:
|q=2||0  |0  |0  |0  |
|   ||  1|   |  1|   |
|q=1||ZZ |0  |ZZ |0  |
|   ||  1|   |  1|   |
|q=0||ZZ |0  |ZZ |0  |
|   ||p=0|p=1|p=2|p=3|

page 3, with differential of degree {-3, 2}:
|q=2||0  |0  |0  |0  |
|   ||   |   |  1|   |
|q=1||0  |0  |ZZ |0  |
|   ||  1|   |   |   |
|q=0||ZZ |0  |0  |0  |
|   ||p=0|p=1|p=2|p=3|

and the tenth page

i7 : plotPages((0..3,0..2,10), prune @@ evaluateInDegree, C)
page 10, with differential of degree {-10, 9}:
|q=2||0  |0  |0  |0  |
|   ||   |   |  1|   |
|q=1||0  |0  |ZZ |0  |
|   ||  1|   |   |   |
|q=0||ZZ |0  |0  |0  |
|   ||p=0|p=1|p=2|p=3|

The usual choices for f are evaluateInDegree or hilbertFunction:

i8 : plotPages((0..3,0..2,1..3), hilbertFunction, C)
page 1, with differential of degree {-1, 0}:
|q=2||0  |0  |0  |0  |
|q=1||1  |0  |1  |0  |
|q=0||1  |0  |1  |0  |
|   ||p=0|p=1|p=2|p=3|

page 2, with differential of degree {-2, 1}:
|q=2||0  |0  |0  |0  |
|q=1||1  |0  |1  |0  |
|q=0||1  |0  |1  |0  |
|   ||p=0|p=1|p=2|p=3|

page 3, with differential of degree {-3, 2}:
|q=2||0  |0  |0  |0  |
|q=1||0  |0  |1  |0  |
|q=0||1  |0  |0  |0  |
|   ||p=0|p=1|p=2|p=3|


This function assumes that the couple C is bi-graded so that $deg(e)$ and $deg(f)$ are lists of length two. If this is not the case, then you can still form derived couples and probe them using evaluateInDegree, but plotPages will not work.

See also

Ways to use plotPages:

For the programmer

The object plotPages is a method function.