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ExactCouples :: TorLES

TorLES -- the long exact sequence in Tor induced by an inclusion in the second coordinate



The long exact sequence is returned as a Net with the following general format:

|   .- ->      0
|  (
|   \
|                                                                   \
|   .- ->    W ** X    - - ->    W ** X/A   - - ->       0       - -'
|  (
|   \
|                                                                   \
|   .- ->  Tor_1(W,X)  - - ->  Tor_1(W,X/A)  - - ->    W ** A    - -'
|  (
|   \
|                                                                   \
|   .- ->  Tor_2(W,X)  - - ->  Tor_2(W,X/A)  - - ->  Tor_1(W,A)  - -'
|  (
|   \
|                                                                   \
|                          (k-3) more rows appearing    ...      - -'

The next example gives a typical use.

i1 : R = QQ[x]

o1 = R

o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : X = R^1 / x^9

o2 = cokernel | x9 |

o2 : R-module, quotient of R
i3 : A = image map(X,,{{x^7}})

o3 = subquotient (| x7 |, | x9 |)

o3 : R-module, subquotient of R
i4 : W = coker map(R^1,,{{x^3}})

o4 = cokernel | x3 |

o4 : R-module, quotient of R
i5 : TorLES(3,W,X,A)
warning: clearing value of symbol f to allow access to subscripted variables based on it
       : debug with expression   debug 3406   or with command line option   --debug 3406

o5 =           .- ->          0                                                                                    
         0    (      

                                                                                 0                               \ 
               .- ->   cokernel | x3 |      - - - ->      cokernel | x3 |      - - ->              0          - -' 
         0    (                              | 1 |

                                                                             {7} | 1 |                           \ 
               .- -> cokernel {9} | x3 | - - - - - - -> cokernel {7} | x3 | - - - - - ->  cokernel {7} | x2 | - -' 
     {9} | x |(                            {7} | x2 |

                                                                                 0                               \ 
               .- ->          0              - - ->              0             - - ->    cokernel {10} | x2 | - -' 
         0    (                                0

                                                                                                   0          - -' 
i6 : apply(2, p -> prune Tor_p(W,X))

o6 = {cokernel | x3 |, cokernel {9} | x3 |}

o6 : List
i7 : apply(2, p -> prune Tor_p(W,X/A))

o7 = {cokernel | x3 |, cokernel {7} | x3 |}

o7 : List
i8 : apply(2, p -> prune Tor_p(W,A))

o8 = {cokernel {7} | x2 |, cokernel {10} | x2 |}

o8 : List


For computational access to the maps in the sequence, use TorCouple instead.

See also

Ways to use TorLES:

For the programmer

The object TorLES is a method function.