GitHub Pages Visitor Log (alpha release)

An open source page activity tracker for GitHub Pages

How it works

Generate messages using js on your page, and then post them to where they become viewable by the public. This way you can tell if and how people are using your site, and it's totally above-board what you're doing and who can see it.

Participation is free. Only the last 100 messages are retained for any participating repository, and all messages are deleted if you deregister.

This site is hosted by github pages. Here are the recent logs:

Recent messages courtesy of the github pages visitor log project

If you log more than the default "someone visited" message, we recommend that you do display the recent logs so that your visitors know what's being recorded.

Get started

  1. 1. A public github repository signals participation by placing a sentinel file .github-pages-visitor-log at the repository root. Use "Update Registration"
  2. 2. The logs of any registered repo are public. Use "View Logs"
  3. 3. Send messages from your site using javascript. To see the elements you'll need to add to your html, use "Show HTML"